job seekers

  • 6 Reasons Your Not Attracting The Best Employees

    Attracting the right people to your business is no small task, by any means. Finding the right people for the role is far beyond a system identifying whether they would be a good fit based on their qualifications and experience. […]

  • ConnektUs: Because Job Seeking Shouldn’t Be an Awful Experience

    For businesses, finding the ideal candidate for a position is never an easy feat. From the streams of emails and resumes that you have to sort through to the cavalcade of interviews that are likely to follow, bringing on a […]

  • The Path To Happiness: Episode 2 – Erin Pottenger

    Welcome to an episode of ‘The path to Happiness’. A series where we speak with candidates and hiring managers to understand more about what people look for in a business when searching for a new opportunity and what hiring managers […]

  • The Path To Happiness: Episode 1 – Adrian Siow

    Meet Adrian Siow, an enthusiastic and driven Accountant (CPA) with his whole life ahead of him! I had the pleasure to sit down with Adrian to understand how he sees the world from a candidate perspective. Let’s get started! Adrian, […]

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