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Our Story; Inspiring people to discover happiness at work & helping businesses find talent!

ConnektUs started quite some time ago but has only recently become a reality. A passion within me to serve each individual with the ability to discover happiness in the workplace exploited to the platform that is now changing people’s lives. For some, employment is a natural course of life, a routine, a plot to survive, but for others, it’s so much more – It’s a life choice. It’s an opportunity for greatness, a new sense of accomplishment and purpose. A life, to some that would refer to it as ‘fulfillment’. Whether you’re someone who is seeking a purpose or to find your dream career position; We all deserve to be happy at work.

“When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery” – Maxim Gorky

ConnektUs exists for many reasons; you see, our mission is to inspire people to discover happiness in the workplace by giving candidates more control of their future & provide quality candidates to employers. We wish to enhance each individual’s happiness by putting them with the career they wish to be in, and seek the right employee for the employer. Don’t be hidden away from the best people offering the best qualities or advantages to your company with ConnekUs doing all the hard work.


At ConnektUs we are all about businesses finding the right people! We offer more reach for employers with premium visibility and better results. We believe businesses should have an equal opportunity to find talent that doesn’t require a lot of effort or resources. A platform that is accessible to all. We will allow your company to get the right candidates for the position you are advertising.

“Profit is a by-product of work; happiness is its chief product” – Henry Ford.

We can help job seekers for their dream positions, short-time jobs or long-term jobs. We can match you with employers that have career opportunities related to your profile. At ConnektUs we allow you to build and engage your professional network – allowing employers and job seekers to have access to the right people. Navigate your career with confidence when a platform such as ConnekUs is offering the easiest and most convenient job search worldwide.



At ConnektUs, we go beyond just a platform. We are working on changing the perspective on the corporate industry. We wish to provide an authentic, open environment where people can feel safe and concerns can be addressed without judgment or consequences. Where people’s opinion and debates are welcome to help learn and develop. A business that works for its people, not the other way around. Yes, we’ve heard all of this before. Many businesses preach such values but rarely live up to it. Creating a business where people enjoy going is one thing. Creating a place where people can call home, is completely different.

“Be the leader you wish you had” – Simon Sinek

That’s why we’re here. To make a difference in people’s lives and in every businesses journey through growth. We will inspire people to discover happiness in the workplace; all you need is a little more control of your future.



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