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ConnektUs: How our app is different

5 Ways to Stand Out

ConnektUs is an employment social media platform for the not-so-corporate. Our mission is to inspire people to discover happiness in the workplace. Our platform is designed to help you with all your employment needs. Connect with other like-minded professionals, share what you’re working on, exchange new exciting ideas, or even just ask for advice. All whilst being able to find new opportunities and engaging directly with organizations who are looking to hire. We’re bridging the gap between job seekers & direct employers to make your job search journey more stress-free.

Our platform works quite differently with one of the main focuses being transparency. We want to give people a platform where they can be themselves. We’re all about helping support each other through our employment journey without any fuss.

Here is what you need to know about our platform!

1. We’re for the not-so-corporate

We’ve designed our platform in a way that accommodates people of all ages in all industries. Join a supportive community that is here to help celebrate each other wins, help each other grow in our professional careers, and get the best out of ourselves. We’re more than just a platform.

2. No Recruitment Agencies

During our development stages, we spoke with thousands of job seekers and one of the main frustrations of their job search experience was dealing with recruitment agencies. Now, we know they certainly have their benefits, however, to deliver on our mission and a more transparent experience, our platform prohibits all recruitment agencies from joining our platform.


2. Hirer vs Job Hunter

Our platform has two user types to help deliver a tailored experienced. When you download our app, you’ll have a choice to register as a hirer (Direct organization hiring) or as a job hunter (open to new opportunities).

When you download ConnektUs and sign up as a hirer, you’ll be prompted to complete a short profile to allow job hunters to get to know you and your business better. As a hirer, you will have full access to our social media platform which will allow you to engage with other members (both hirers and job hunters) on our platform. You will also have access to post-engaging job ads, video screening, and the ability to engage with suitable candidates based on your business needs.

Job hunters: 
As a job hunter, you will be prompted to complete an employment profile (basic information, work experiences, and the ability to upload a cover letter/resume). If you’re not looking for a new opportunity and just want to use our social media platform, you can skip this part. As a job hunter, you will have access to use our employment social media platform. You will also have the ability to engage directly with people hiring, apply for positions and have full transparency so you can make informed decisions from the get-go.



3. Post freely without being attached to a brand

When you post on our social media platform, you’re not attached to a brand. What we mean by that, is people cannot randomly view your profile or know your place of work. We’ve separated your job seeker/hiring experience and our social media platform to do the best we can to ensure you get the best possible experience with no bias.












4. Who can view your profile?

For job hunters: Only hirers who have paid for our premium service can view your employment profile when either, you’ve applied for a position, or if a hirer is searching our candidate pool and your profile has appeared as you meet their search criteria. Your social media posts are not attached to your profile.

For hirers: Job seekers have the ability to search and locate hirers based on a number of different criteria where they can reach out to you directly to discuss potential roles.


6. Your values matter

When you create your profile, you get the chance to select 3 core values that you truly stand by. Why is this important? We believe your values need to align with the company’s values in order to properly be aligned with a vision. In any other, the more aligned you are, the happy you will most likely be at that workplace. To help with our mission, you could be a potential candidate not just by your skills, or personality, but also for what you stand for.


5. Delivering a transparent experience.

We’ve designed our platform to be as transparent as possible, whether it’s posting on our social media platform or your job search journey. With ConnektUs, any job advertised on our platform will always show all the necessary information for you to make an informed decision without having to jump through hoops. Our job ads will always have salaries, business information, role information, location, and so forth. You can even see the person behind the job ad and reach out to them directly.

Not only can you see all the necessary information, but we keep you updated on all your applications so you know where to focus your energy.


6. A judgment-free zone.

We completely understand that your working life isn’t always sunshine & rainbows, and there is nothing wrong with speaking up, asking for help, or even venting. We know work can be very difficult at times and sometimes you just don’t know who to ask, that’s why we’re here! We’re a community to help support one another to get the most out of our professional careers. So don’t be shy!














Download our app on the app store and start connecting with other professionals.


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