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7 Career Mistakes To Avoid No Matter What

7 Career Mistakes To Avoid

We’re all human. We make mistakes all the time and there is nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as we learn from them. Some mistakes can quite costly, though. Maybe it was the interview you rocked up too and didn’t prepare enough. Or you told a little white lie to get you a job to only realise your boss is catching on? When it comes to your career, it’s no joke, seriously. People tend to also forget how small the world is sometimes. In some industries, everyone knows each other. People do their research before hiring.  And we mean, thorough research, more than you think! Here are 5 career mistakes to avoid no matter what.


1. Be honest on your resume

Do you know that piece of paper that you need to submit with every job application? I know, right… so outdated but nonetheless, it’s important, to be honest, and transparent. We know finding a job isn’t an easy task by any stretch of the imagination but that doesn’t mean you should make information up, even if it’s a white lie because trust me, your employer, boss, colleagues, they will all find out and it won’t be pretty. Starting off a relationship with your employer under false pretences can cause trust issues. The impact can be detrimental, now and for the future, so we suggest you avoid this at all cost no matter what.

Read: How you’ll get caught lying on your resume

2. Social Media Behaviour

If you’re already working in the professional environment than this should be common knowledge. Your Facebook or Insta accounts are your own personal platforms to be able to express yourself. We agree, but it’s no secret that thousands of Australians have missed out on opportunities due to unprofessional behaviour. According to CareerBuilder Survey  70 per cent of employers check out your social media profiles before deciding to hire you. So before you upload that ‘funny’ picture from a night out on the booze or post a not so friendly comment – think again because you never know who’s looking.

Read: How social media can hurt your job search.

3. Having a Bad Attitude in your job

Not everyone loves their job, which is something that ConnektUs is trying to change with our Job app but having a bad attitude in the workplace is not going to bring you any good. If you constantly moan and groan about colleagues, or openly complain about your peers, you are likely to get a bad reputation which doesn’t exactly go down well in the workplace. If you remain positive, help people, and speak highly of your colleagues, you are likely to be more respected in the workplace and someone people want to work with. Next time you want to speak poorly (true or not) about someone you work with, think about the impact it can have on your reputation.

Read: 11 types of bad attitude

4. Don’t let others define who you are

We’re all a victim of this at some stage of our careers. Sometimes we lose sight of what is important to us because we constantly feel the need to impress the powers above but it all comes at a cost. It’s important to never let others define who you are and what you believe in. Your values are what makes you wake up every morning, not someone else’s. If you find yourself living through someone else’s values then take a step back and ask yourself “Is this really me?” Be true to who you are and live it every day. Find an employer that shares similar values so you can spread your wings and fly.


5. Handling Negative Feedback

Leave emotions at the door. There, we said it, but did you listen? We hope so because when giving or receiving feedback, it’s very important to take your emotions out of the conversation and remain professional. As we learn new skills and take on new challenges, we are always going to receive feedback. Some positive and some constructive (negative). Positive is always easier to receive. Sitting there trying to not to smile being like, “Oh please stop it” but secretly want them to keep going. But what about the negative? It’s more difficult. You need to mentally prepare by taking the emotion out and listing to what is being said. Don’t get defensive nor have an excuse for every piece of feedback. Take it on the chin and learn from your mistakes. That’s how you grow.\

Read: How to handle negative feedback

6. Burning Bridges

Some bridges should be burnt, just sayin, but be careful which bridges those are. Especially when you’re early on in your career, you never know when your connections will become valuable in the future. Leaving a business on bad terms can impact your future employability. Like we mentioned earlier, the world is not as big as you think it is and word travels fast. But it’s not just leaving on bad terms that can burn bridges, it’s actions during your employment that can also have an impact. Some of us are eager to progress in our careers and are so driven, we forgot the impact our actions have on colleagues that change the way you are perceived in your current position. You can lose trust, respect and all credibility. You know what they say – ‘Don’t be a backstabber’.

Read: 3 times it’s worth burning bridges

7. Not giving it your all

If you want to progress in your career, doing the bare minimum just to get through each day and not going above and beyond to stand out, then you won’t be seen. Or you’ll be seen as just lazy. Do you really want to be that person? Didn’t think so. Take every opportunity as though it’s your last and give it everything you’ve got. Show the world what you can do. But don’t do it for anyone other than yourself.


At the end of the day, it’s your life. It’s your career. You are limited by only your own imagination and determination. If you want to succeed, you will but you have to fight for it. You know well enough by now what the corporate world is and how to ‘play’ the game. Some of us play and some don’t. But one thing we can say is that you will constantly have to overcome hurdles and be pushed beyond breaking point. Only then will you be truly challenged. The important take from this is to never forget about what matters to you Put yourself first. Learn new skills, better yourself, get yourself out of your comfort zone. But do it without making these career mistakes.

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