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5 Things You Need To Be Happy At Work

Be happy at work

What does happiness in the workplace even mean? This is a question you need to ask yourself and ask often! Happiness and fulfillment mean many things for different people depending on your career goals and aspirations. Have you taken the time to truly understand what you want out your job? Your career? Your life?  The struggles are real. The Sunday Night Sadness and the Monday morning reminiscing of the joyful moments of what life could be. We cannot stress enough the importance of a happy workplace and environment. The benefits of your wellbeing are unquestionable. It’s no surprise that studies show people that are happy at work perform better thus being more accomplished and fulfilled. They say “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life” – isn’t this the end goal for most of us? But how do we achieve it? Here are 5 things you need to be happy at work.


1. A sense of fulfillment & accomplishment

Regardless of what job you are currently in or want to move into, you can achieve a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, but you’ve got to want it. Set yourself some goals. And follow up on them every week or two to see how you’re tracking. Don’t you want to feel as though you’re having an impact at work? Let us give you a quick example and something we encourage at ConnektUs. Set yourself a goal to get one piece of positive feedback each week and deliver. Each piece of feedback you receive will give you the warm fuzzies and a sense of accomplishment from helping others.

Read: Guide to finding true career fulfillment 


2. A work-life balance that suits you

This is spoken about daily in the modern world. Work-life balance has become increasingly popular with job seekers in Australia as a top priority when looking for a new job. It should never be treated lightly. Ever heard the saying ‘one glove fits all’ – yeah, that doesn’t work when it comes to your work-life balance. Everyone has different needs in life, you included. What works for one, may not work for you, therefore, it is imperative that you adapt or discover a work-life balance that revolves around you. Your life, your wellbeing, your happiness. This brings us to our next point…. an exciting but difficult one.

Read: How to be happy at work.


3. Know when it’s time to move on

We could sit here and talk all day about ways to improve your happiness in the workplace, but the reality is, not everything can be implemented if you’re not supported. It’s an extremely hard decision but one that needs to be made. When your times up, it’s up – move on and look for bigger and better. We know, the decision that comes with finding a new job includes an emotional journey, many of us wish not to take. The countless hours of applying for jobs with no responses. The draining meetings with recruitment agencies that lead nowhere and interviews where you need to talk about yourself… constantly. The consistent brave face you put on with every rejection. It’s sucks. It really does. But when you find that place… that business… that job where you finally feel right at home, you’ll look back and not regret your decision for a single second. That’s how important your happiness is. That’s the impact of it. When you truly find it, nothing in the past can take that away from you.

Read: Changing Jobs


4. Find your passion

Easy said than done. But start with the basics. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Would you do it for free if you could? The key here is to continue to try new things until you find something you truly enjoy. It’s funny… I recently listened to a podcast that mentioned how we learn so much from young kids because they do without thinking. When you become an adult, all you do is think. What if it fails? What if I spend all this money and it goes nowhere? There are so many ‘what if’ questions but that is not what is important. What is important is truly finding and doing what makes you happy. Through thick and thin (No, we’re not talking about marriage here, but you know what I mean). If you don’t know what your passion is, try new things until you do! Maybe it’s something you’ve never done before. But how would you ever know if you never try?

Read: Never giving up


5. Know your worth and never give up

It’s so easy for us to just give up because it’s too difficult. Or we’ve been trying and don’t see any progress. Let me remind you of something very important, a lesson I recently learned myself. Just because you don’t see results, does not mean you are not making progress. Nothing good in life comes easy. You must stay strong through the highs and lows and to always remember and remind yourself, that you’re worth it. You deserve happiness. You deserve to do what ultimately will make you happy, therefore, make others around you happy. Your happiness has an endless effect on you and those around you.


Life is not easy. Some of us would rather suffer in our sorrows in silence to the notebook with a bowl of ice screen then do what it takes to make that change in our life that truly brings us happiness and joy. But why? Because people see the effort required without understanding the result. But where a better place to start than at work? We see our colleagues more than our own family – that’s reality check if I’ve never heard one. Life is what you make of it. No excuses. Chris Gardner (An inspirational story – the pursuit of happiness) didn’t go from being homeless with his son, with no roof over their head to discover happiness and success without motivation.

Find your motivation.

Begin your pursuit of happiness.

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