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6 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health While Job Hunting

Mental Health While Job Hunting

Job hunting can be mentally exhausting and certainly frustrating. And with the impact of COVID, it has only made the process more challenging with additional pressure added to your hunt. Studies show that more than 50% of Australians are now more aware of their mental health due to the impact of COVID with more than 40% of people acknowledging COVID has had an impact on their mental health. It’s normal to feel additional stress & anxiety during the job search process, it takes a huge toll on us, and it’s even harder to break that cycle. We all experience our own challenges, the first step to taking care of your mental health during your job hunt is this: knowing you’re not alone.

Now take a deep breath, relax, and keep reading to see how you can take care of your mental health while trying to job hunt.


1). Schedule & structure your job hunt

Our circumstances will certainly vary here especially given the current pandemic that has an impact on our lives. If you are currently working and searching for a new role, the difficulty you may face is managing your time to be able to achieve your job search goals. From waking up in the morning to going to sleep, life can be full-on. B the time you get home you’re already exhausted. This will play on your mind as well and add to what already could be an immense amount of stress.

Set yourself small goals and be specific. For example; let’s say you need to write a new resume but know it’s going to take a while. Allocate a small portion of your time, whether it will in your own time or perhaps free time during work, and try achieving a paragraph for each session. By incorporating structure in your job search, you’ll have small wins every day which helps cement positive feelings and progress.


2). Set realistic goals

As we mentioned in point one, when it comes to structuring and scheduling your job hunt, be sure to set yourself realistic goals. Obviously, the end goal is to get the job, but setting small goals not only means you can see the results but it is also more controllable.


3). Focus on the positives

Life will get the better of you when it comes to your job hunt. It’s completely fine to feel low but do your best to turn it around. Think of the light at the end of the tunnel. The hard work, the rejections, the frustrations – it will be all worth it when you find the job you’ve been searching for.


4). Do your homework

At this point, we generally have an idea of what we want to do, perhaps not exactly but at least a rough idea. It’s one thing to find a job you want, but it’s a completely different thing to find the job you want in a company where it’s values & culture suits yours. It’s important to do research, not only for the role you’re looking to get into but also on businesses where you could end up. Utilizing the likes of Glassdoor and other company review platforms will give you an opportunity to see if various businesses suit your needs. That way, you’re not applying for jobs that won’t end well.


5). Take time off your job hunt

Of course, everyone’s circumstances are different but when considering your mental health and the impact that job hunting can have on you, it’s worth taking time off your job hunt. A day, maybe two if not more depending on how you’re feeling at that specific time. Let yourself recover so you don’t burn out. The constant build-up of anxiety and stress can hinder more than you think.


6). Be kind to yourself

You’ve probably raised an eyebrow, thinking… “huh”? It’s obvious though, isn’t it? You should always be kind to yourself. Especially during difficult times. Focus on your achievements and hard work, no matter how small. Starting your job hunt is an achievement in itself because it is hard work. That alone deserves celebration and recognition.


Never take your mental health and wellbeing for granted. It deteriorates quicker than it can ever be recovered. Combine life with job hunting and the struggles it endures, it can go south extremely quickly and have an everlasting impact on you. Take a step back and think about the bigger picture and remember to be easy on yourself. You’re human, you’re one person. There is only so much that one can handle. You’re doing an amazing job at life, even if it doesn’t necessarily feel like it. Keep persevering. It will be worth it at the end of the day.

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